The only way to easily access Intel's new Secure Key techonology in your application - introducing the JebteK RdRand library.
As a developer, you can use it any way you like - as a library in your application with the purchase of a license, or as a cloud-based secure RESTful service.

Want to try it out? Generate real random numbers quickly and easily using our RESTful API. Signup for free.
The system uses Intel's new rdrand CPU instruction found in the latest Secure Key technology, to generate random numbers and strings.
C# Library Examples
bool RdRandom.GeneratorAvailable(); /* lets you know if the code is executing on a compatible CPU */
string RdRandom.GenerateKey(int length); /* generates a random string that is 'length' characters long */
byte[] RdRandom.GenerateBytes(int length); /* generates a random byte array that is 'length' characters long */
uint RdRandom.GenerateUnsignedInt(); /* generates a random unsigned int */
uint RdRandom.GenerateUnsignedInt(uint maxValue); /* generates a random unsigned int between 0 and 'maxLength' */
RESTful Service JavaScript Examples
$.post("", { length: <length>, apiKey: "<key>" }, function (data) { /* returns random string that can be used as a key */ });
$.post("", { apiKey: "<key>" }, function (data) { /* returns random unsigned int */ });
$.post("", { length: <length>, apiKey: "<key>" }, function (data) { /* returns random base64 encoded byte array */ });
RESTful Service C# Examples
uint ret = Randomizer.GenerateUInt("<key>");
string ret = Randomizer.GenerateKey(<length>, "<key>");
byte[] ret = Randomizer.GenerateBytes(<length>, "<key>");
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